$595.00 USD


APRIL 22 - MAY 15


A four week, alchemical descension journey for women walking the path of union.




Three Pre-Recorded Transmissions:


Three Pre-Recorded Transmissions:


1) The High Alchymie of Embrace, the Soul of Descent and The Potency of Inhabiting Your Woman 


2) Opening to Intimacy And Receptivity Through Restoring the Lover of Life Within Your Core 


3) Womb Deep Trust, Serving Union Through Your Open Heart and Womb, Living As An Offering to the Way of Love


*Telegram Sisterhood and support from Natalie****


***Ongoing advanced high alchemy energy work for all 4 weeks***


***Practices like restoring receptivity and womb clearing included***


Three Live Energy-Transmission Calls:



Call 1: Opening Circle + Transmutation Through The Feeling Body and Descent


Call 2: Womb Reconciliation Ceremony


Call 3: Surprise Guest Teacher 


Call 4: the Way o f Love Ceremony, Integration + Closing


Calls Every monday @ 3pm cst